Wednesday, June 21, 2006

I'm in Love!

It's true. It all started with casual glances then escalated to longing looks. We meet every morning for an espresso and its amazing. His name is Pain au Chocolat and we first met at my favorite patisserie. It was love at first bite!

Why I had never thought to put bread and chocolate together before is baffling. It makes perfect sense.... but then I strayed.

I don't know why I did it. I just got caught up in the sweet smells. I stayed too long at the Patisserie window I guess. But you can hardly blame me. When you get a good wif of something around here you really need to savour it. You never know (well actually, I do know) what is likely to be around the next corner.

It was bittersweet - I can't even remember his name now - something to do with pommes and sucre. Anyway, I swore I would never leave him again and PC took me back without hesitation.

But then a red flag. I discovered it a block from the train in Carcassonne - a duplicate of my favorite patisserie. A chain? Am I that stupide??

But when came back to Séte I found an original patisserie and this one was closer to my place so back I went again with Pain au Chocolate.

Tragically, this is a love was never meant to be. I had been trying to be like all the french women...taking home a baguette or two in the evenings, having a cheese sandwich for lunch. My body simply wasn't built for this lifestyle and I will spare you the details as to how I know this for sure.

Désolé Pain au Chocolat - it's you or me at 300 lbs!! I'll miss you but I will be sure to say hello (that's it - no physical contact) the next time I pass by.

Au revoir my sweet croissant!


At Wednesday, June 21, 2006 4:00:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a great love story!
Petit pain au chocolat
Croissant au beurre
Chausson aux pommes
Petit pain feuilleté ou brioché

Ah Lisa! I miss them alot.
But thanks to you I've these delicious smells in my mind now. And I'm almost ready to leave Calgary right away to get back to them :-)

At least, if you fail and get back to the Boulangerie, What I'm sure you will ;-) you know you can share your love between "pain au chocolat", "Chausson aux pommes", "Sandwich au fromage" etc, they'll never be jalous each others!

Please tell all of them, I'll be back soon.

At Thursday, June 22, 2006 1:47:00 PM, Blogger Ilsa said...

OK Vincent, It's nice to know someone understands the 'pain' haha

At Monday, July 10, 2006 3:40:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lisa oh Lisa,

I'm glad to see that you have finally found a part of your destiny....It seems that we have both taken the high road and left for greener pastures, my only wish is that you remain as happy and as real as you have always been, unlike the times that have passed. Funny how it takes so much struggle and uncertainty to realize that destiny had nothing to do with Calgary, but following your true desire. If only we could have realized this sooner eh? Good luck, and I'll keep watch for your continuing story ...looks exciting.

At Monday, September 04, 2006 9:18:00 AM, Blogger Ilsa said...

Anonymous... please identify yourself.


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